"Dear Little Man,
What would our life be without you? Dull and boring to say the least. You are a ray of sunshine to our family. Your antics keep us all laughing. Your messes keep us huffing.
At 2 years old you amaze me. Nothing seems to escape your notice. You are always busy examining, calculating, imitating, and experimenting. You are never more than a step behind your older siblings.
You have developed your own unique communication skills, and very successful in expressing your needs to us through them.
Did I mention that you love to eat? Every morning I feel your tap and nudge as you murmur, "eat" to your groggy Mommy. You are game to try everything we put before you and your developing quite the discerning taste as you sample from your father and I's plate. Just last night you shared our Chilean Sea Bass with us. You devour my mediteranean olives within minutes of me opening the jar. Even my favorite hot salsa is yummy to you.
I affectionately call you my wild child, because you are wild! I love your wildness...the jumping on the furniture, free falling into my arms, scaling the counters, running through the den and doing a flip, break dancing, zooming cars around the house, flying with your daddy, having shoot outs with your brothers, being loud...all of it makes you the wonderful boy that you are.
Despite the wild, you have your moments of calm and contemplation. Moments where you sit with a book and the times when you snuggle in my lap and fall into a deep slumber. I savor the wild, but I especially savor the quiet times, when I catch a glimpse of the baby you were. If I could freeze time I would, but alas you must grow, and change and become who you were created by God to be. Just remember alway and forever my baby you'll be.
I love you my Little Man."
Please continue on through our circle as you visit Becky and read what wonderful words she's written to her son at http://www.letterstosebastien.blogspot.com