
Wednesday, July 18, 2012


 My oldest daughter is growing up much too quickly.  Seems only yesterday she was a tiny babe and now she is blooming into a young woman.  I love the relationship we are developing and the fun we have baking, shopping, discussing books, sewing, serving....
For all her growing up, she is still a little girl, playing dolls with her sisters and snuggling with her mommy and daddy.

She's developing her own style and she has big dreams of going and serving the least.

To say she is dramatic, would be an understatement!  Drama and passion go hand in hand and I love her passionate heart.
Even though they sneak in her room and mess with her things, she adores her younger sisters.
What a blessing you are to our family, my Princess.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Hair Cut

 In a state of irritation, I made the impulsive decision to take the clippers to my baby's head last week.  No more long, wavy locks of brown and gold!  He is now a miniature version of his older brother, the Moose.    I'm not sure he was to pleased, with the results.  He embraced the hat I gave him after the ordeal was done. 

A week later and I'm still not over it, although it is starting to grow on me.  He is still the same wild child, full of boundless energy that makes messes from sun up until sun down, with his blue eyes dancing. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Grand Old Flag - Nostalgia

 Anytime I see our Grand Old Flag, waving in the breeze it evokes, emotion in me.  To think of all those who have shed their blood, that we might enjoy the freedom and prosperity that we do.  Converting these images to black and white, took me back to a time of carefree summers.      
  Remember when we were young and would run and play all day...remember the stories our parents spoke of them spending the summer at their grandparent's farm, miking the cows, and weeding the garden...remember our grandparents telling us of growing up on a farm and then fighting in the war to defend liberty?
 Our days aren't so carefree anymore, as we juggle busyness and tending to all the stuff we've been blessed with.  As parents we worry for our children's safety in a world that seems to be more dangerous and evil than when we were kids.   For my childen's sake I want to protect the nostalgia of the carefree summer.
  I want to make sure they have time to play in the warm sun, to pull the weeds in their grandpa's garden, to eat popsicles, to catch lightning bugs, to ride bicycles, to giggle, to roll in the grass, to run barefooted across the lawn, to stay outside until dark.
  I want to ensure that they enjoy the freedom of being a child, loved, safe and secure.
 For all our children let us stand for liberty in our lives.  Liberty of conscience.  Liberty from stuff. Liberty from busyness. Liberty to be real.  Liberty to trust our God to protect and defend us.  Liberty to love and be loved.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Over the weekend I used most of my hard earned $$ to purchase an UWA(Ultra Wide Angle Lens. I've been looking at these for some time and had decided on a Tokina 11-16 2.8, based on price and performance. Initially I started looking at UWAs because my husband wanted me to photograph his aircraft. Now that I have one, it has opened up a whole new world! This will definitely stretch me, since it requires much more vision and thought, than my lifestyle and portrait work. My first batch of photos with the lens reminded me of my p&s days of abstract photos of nothing in particular, with no story or point, just plain boring. I did have a few keepers. 
Sunday morning sun rise.  We were actually late for church because I was out in the yard, instead of inside getting ready. 
I really wanted a child to be walking up the path, but no one would cooperate, so I focused on the weed, instead. 
Last night's moon, reflecting off the golf course pond. 
Attempting to storytell with the lens.  The distortion with this lens is great, especially if you tilt it.

Tonight's moon, reflecting on the pond...I think I improved slightly.  Now I'm headed out with the Man Child and Moose to protect me as I capture a lone, deserted chimney, illuminated by the moonlight, at least that is my vision....UWA is making me much more adventuresome :)